Category: Dissertation Help

Useful tips, advice, and guidelines to write a perfect and the best dissertation for masters or doctoral level

A Complete Guide to Writing Your PhD Thesis

Writing a PhD thesis is a challenging yet rewarding journey, one that demands time, dedication, and a strategic approach. Whether you’re just starting or are in the final stages of writing, there are several aspects that you need to consider to ensure that your thesis meets the standards set by your institution and the wider academic community. In this guide,...

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GE Outsourcing and its Impact of US Economy

GE Outsourcing and its Impact of US Economy “This is a sample Dissertation on GE Outsourcing and its Impact of US Economy written by Dissertation Master. If you are having trouble writing your dissertation and aree looking for a website that provides top-quality dissertation writing help at a reasonable price, then look no further as we provide the best dissertation...

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Use of Artificial Intelligence in organizational setting

Use of Artificial Intelligence in organizational setting – An Evaluating of the Implementation, Problems, and advantages Introduction The managers, engineers, programmers, and technical communicators actually working with knowledge and information want something concrete they can work with to help save time and money for their organization by the Use of Artificial Intelligence. Dreyfus (1997) explains four traditional areas for applied...

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An Analysis of Apocalypse Now

An Analysis of Apocalypse Now When Apocalypse Now appeared in theaters in 1979, Hollywood motion pictures had been depicting American soldiers fighting in the various wars for more than half a century.   Apocalypse Now made its public debut at the 1979 International Cannes Film Festival in France. The film entered as a “work in progress,” and shared the top picture...

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An Essay on Psychology

What we see psychology today is a process of evolution through ages. In its early stages philosophy and psychology were intermingled and there was no clear distinction between the two. It was only till the 19th century that psychology emerged as formal separate discipline. However, like the early philosophers, initially the main focus of psychology was deficit finding in human...

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Sample Assignment on Parents perception of ADHD

Parents perception of ADHD   Introduction Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) involves the display of developmentally inappropriate levels of inattention, impulsivity, and over activity resulting in functional impairment across two or more settings (APA, 1994). Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects about three percent to seven percent of the school-age population (APA, 2000). This represents about two million children of the...

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Sample Dissertation on Analysis of Action films

Literature review In the aftermath of World War II and then the Communist Revolution, the Hong Kong film industry essentially had to build itself up from scratch again. Facilities that had been destroyed during the war had to be rebuilt or refurbished, and film production and culture itself had to modernize. In the late 1950s, what would become the two...

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Sample Essay on Effective Writing Process

Effective Writing Process   Writing is a process, something that describes continuous change in time like growth in organic nature (Gordon, 1965). Hence, when we begin the writing process different things happen at different time. Sometime we are preoccupied with our thoughts and sometime the choice of words, writing process and techniques capture our attention. Indeed, writing process is very...

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Sample Dissertation on Animated Movies

Introduction Over the last decade, advances in graphics hardware and the popularity of video games and Animated Movies have led to an increasing number of applications for entertainment and education that utilize the immersive nature of such environments. With the availability of affordable processing power these environments have become very complex. For the user of such an environment, a virtual...

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Appraisal of four pieces of evidence in accident and emergency

Executive summary The concept of evidence has been explored widely in the literature and interpreted differently by the scholars. Evidence is vitally important to support the scientific and non-scientific sources in clinical practices. Thus, it is imperative to understand better the use of evidence in clinical practices.  According to Scott-Findlay and Pollock (2004) the term evidence should be reserved for...

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