Sample Essay on Effective Writing Process

Effective Writing Process


Writing is a process, something that describes continuous change in time like growth in organic nature (Gordon, 1965). Hence, when we begin the writing process different things happen at different time. Sometime we are preoccupied with our thoughts and sometime the choice of words, writing process and techniques capture our attention. Indeed, writing process is very complex, yet very powerful one to express oneself in every walk of life. However, only those students take advantage of effective writing process who have acquired skills of effective writing and an analytical ability to describe things, events and thoughts.

There are numerous processes of writing. Some writing processes are for illustrating an event and the writer has to describe things and event by describing every tiny detail in an analytical way. There are also some writing processes which require one to produce factual position of something and in this process one has to be accurate, impartial and concise for providing relevant details.  Yet some writing processes are intended to collect research data and in this process one has to consider the ethical responsibilities as a researcher, the limitation and scope of the research topic and different approaches and philosophy to conduct the research. All these processes require not only an effective and convincing writing style but also the mastery of required writing techniques.

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Mostly students are required to conduct research in their relevant field of study. For such academic writings, the students have to learn different citation styles, techniques of collecting primary and secondary research data and an analytical approach to offer conclusions and recommendations. Unfortunately, although every student is supposed to be conversant with such essential basic techniques of writing effectively, very few of them actually know the required writing process.

Research data collection is an essential part of all the academic learning. At the end of the academic period, students have to submit their thesis and have to show the skill and ability to conduct interviews and surveys. There is always a pretty long list of research topics and every topic involves different way of conducting research. If one topic may be covered through conducting face to face interviews, the other may require the researcher to collect primary data through surveys and questionnaires.

Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill (2007), have distinguished between three main views for a research philosophy including epistemology, ontology and axiology. Each of them has a distinctive way of thinking the research process. The three research philosophies are divided into interpretivism, realism and positivism. The positivism philosophy is conducted by using the basic concepts of a research topic and the theories are applied to prove the hypothesis set before the researcher. Further, a research can be carried out by a multi-method quantitative approach that emphasises on quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative observations can be analysed using different statistical analysis software, which contribute to a better understanding and identification of the variables set before the researcher (Gill & Johnson, 1997).  Qualitative data can be gathered through open questions and interpreted in words, which seek to provide an in-depth analysis of the outcomes. Many a time, the researcher has to use both qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques so as to collect substantial primary data that might be supported by the secondary data or in a better case, might identify gaps.

Although, there are certain guidelines academically available to conduct the research, what students fail to realize is choosing the most appropriate research method. The next important thing that they tend to ignore is the ethical considerations that every student has to make sure to fulfil in order to make the research more reliable and authentic. For me, these guidelines are like the bible that I like to adhere to in its true spirit.

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